Category Archives: Elsewhere

I Used to Be Invisible Online, Now My Business Booms: How an SEO Expert Helped Me Crack the Google Code

Running a business used to feel like yelling into the void. I poured my heart and soul into my website, but potential customers just weren’t finding me. Then I discovered SEO, and let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer. But SEO can be a confusing maze, full of technical jargon and ever-changing algorithms. That’s […]

What You Should Have Noticed in June

I wrote a wrap-up of June’s biggest art news for my regular Bad at Sports column, with headlines: We Wanted to Believe: Marilyn Monroe Sculpture Found! in Chinese Dump, New CTA Art Announced for Red Line Stops,  Lucas Museum Coming to Chicago, Jeff Koons Ass Opens at the Whitney, and Abstract Painting, Still Crazy After All These Years. Are there any […]